Elon Musk criticizes Mark Zuckerberg for censorship while defending Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was arrested for failing to moderate illegal content. Musk's remarks on X (formerly Twitter) highlight the ongoing rivalry between the two tech giants and their differing approaches to free speech and user data privacy.

Elon Musk Criticizes Zuckerberg as Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested

Elon Musk Criticizes Zuckerberg as Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested Elon Musk defended Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and took aim at Mark Zuckerberg, accusing him of bowing to “censorship pressure”…

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Why was Telegram CEO arrested? France explained his actions

Why was Telegram CEO arrested? France explained his actions

Why was Telegram CEO arrested? France explained his actions French prosecutors have provided new details about the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, linking it to an ongoing investigation into…

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